
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?

If you’ve ever researched mental health treatment or therapy, you have probably come across people or doctors talking about cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as an optional treatment. Keep reading to learn more about what cognitive behavioral therapy is, and what CBT is used for at Mentally STRONG.

CBT is a mental health treatment that can quickly help you identify, address, and change negative thought patterns that have a damaging influence on you. CBT can help you manage a wide range of issues, including depression, anxiety, phobias, addictions, and severe mental illness.

CBT is based on the core principles that mental health or psychological problems can stem from faulty thinking or learned patterns of unhelpful behavior. One core aspect of cognitive behavioral therapy is learning about your mental health condition and practicing techniques to become mentally STRONGer. CBT can help develop mental strength through processing, organizing, and learning coping skills to manage symptoms and improve your short- and long-term quality of life.

CBT is one of the most well-studied forms of psychological treatment. An abundance of research studies suggests that CBT leads to significant improvement in mental function and quality of life. Many studies resulted in scientific evidence that CBT is successful in producing change. Due to this, CBT stands out from other forms of psychological treatments making it the preferred treatment for many mental health conditions.

Cognitive behavioral therapy teaches that thoughts and feelings play a role in the efforts to change behavioral patterns. CBT strategies often include facing fears rather than avoiding the problems, using techniques such as role playing, journaling, thought mapping, or relaxation techniques.

At Mentally STRONG, we believe that CBT strategies vary and should be a collaborative effort between the counselor and the patient. They will work together to develop an understanding of the patient’s unique problem by mapping thoughts, identifying behaviors and choices and make connections within areas of your life. From here, they will develop a treatment strategy that will work best.

Finally, cognitive behavioral therapy places an emphasis on empowering individuals to take action. Often patients are paralyzed by their own emotions, internal thinking, fear, and grief. CBT teaches you to be your own therapist and gives you the tools to help yourself. Through exercises in the session, as well as “homework”, patients learn to recognize negative triggers, patterns, beliefs, behaviors, and other unhelpful choices to turn their past experiences into positive perspective for the future.

Source: American Psychological Association (APA) Div. 12 (Society of Clinical Psychology)

What is CBT Used for at Mentally Strong?
  • Identifying distorted thought patterns and overcoming them through learned coping skills to help change thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
  • Gaining a better understanding of how thought patterns drive people’s behaviors.
  • Learning how problem-solving skills help people cope with difficult situations by identifying a problem, evaluating possible solutions, and implementing said solution.
  • Learning to cultivate a greater sense of self-confidence in your abilities.
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