
Assessment Quiz

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    Mentally STRONG Scale Assessment

    Scale Scoring

    I'm not at all

    I'm not really.

    I'm sometimes confident.

    I'm confident most of the time.

    I'm very confident.

    Assessment Results

    Mentally STRONG Scale Interpretation

    You may be overly critical of yourself, or you know that you really need to work on your confidence in your ability to organize your thoughts and make choices that are in line with your Personal Visions.

    You know that you really need to work on your confidence in your ability to organize your thoughts and make choices that are in line with your Personal Visions. You can do this!

    You are insightful and understand that sometimes you are confident and sometimes you are not. This is a great place to start. Everyone can use improvement!

    You are very confident in your ability to organize your thoughts; The Mentally STRONG Method can definitely help you improve even more!

    You are already well on your way to being able to organize your thoughts and make choices that are in line with your Personal Visions. If you had a perfect score though, I urge to look a little deeper. None of us are perfect and you may need to gain some insight into your thoughts and feelings.

    Assessment Reflection

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